Privacy Policy

Rayhan's ICT is always committed to ensuring the security of information for students and website users. Our privacy policy applies strictly to applications and websites developed by Rayhan's IT. This policy does not apply to any counterfeit websites, pages, or groups featuring false content with Rayhan's IT's logo.

Purpose of Information Collection:
Rayhan's ICT collects information from readers for various purposes, such as providing services to students, improving service quality, and for promotional purposes. This information may include customer names, addresses, phone numbers, and emails.

Information Collection by Rayhan's IT:
In the following instances, users are deemed to have universally consented to data collection by Rayhan's ICT and agreed to abide by all terms of the privacy policy:

  1. Upon website enrollment.
  2. Upon application for demo classes via the website.
  3. Upon website communication with our team.
  4. Upon participation in our seminars or webinars.

Disclosure of Collected Information:
Rayhan's ICT does not sell or exchange students' personal information without the necessity for website management, business administration, and providing services to students. However, internal sharing of students' information may occur to understand preferences, enhance engagement, or increase student numbers. Outside of the mentioned reasons, if there's a need to utilise students' information in any other way, consent will be sought through Rayhan's ICT website. However, if there are any legal obligations in Bangladesh, Rayhan's ICT may disclose collected personal information from students. From Rayhan's ICT's perspective, the proposal to share this information within its group companies and among its national group employees is put forward for the purpose of personal data processing. We ensure that the recipients of this personal data comply with our guidelines and agree to process this personal data based on this privacy policy and any other relevant privacy and security measures.

Third-Party Advertisements and Links:
Rayhan's IT website does not permit the display of advertisements for third-party products or services.

Rayhan's IT may occasionally contact website users via email, phone, or SMS for invitations to various events, information gathering, and surveys. Contact will be based on information received from users.

Rayhan's IT's privacy policy and its relation to students will be determined in accordance with the existing laws of Bangladesh. Any disputes related to information usage, storage, publication, disclosure, or distribution will be subject to the jurisdiction of Bangladeshi courts.

Privacy Policy Amendments:
Rayhan's IT reserves the right to modify, change, or revoke any section of the privacy policy at any time. However, updated policies will be promptly posted on the website. Users are required to accept these changes when accessing the website and agree to abide by them at all times. Rayhan's IT will not be responsible if a user fails to read the policy for any reason.

Refund Policy
If you do not meet the conditions below, then you will not be eligible for a refund
  1. To initiate a refund process, it is necessary to submit a formal request to the Human Resources department.
  2. Alongside the request, it is imperative to include the corresponding financial documentation for proper processing.
  3. Keep one thousand taka aside from the payment.
  4. Return the ID card.
  5. If an ID card is issued, the money for the ID card will not be refunded
Course Re-enroll Policy
If you do not adhere to the following conditions, you will not be permitted to re-enroll in the course.
  1. To re-enroll in the course, kindly submit a formal request to the Human Resources department.
  2. Please inquire about the course's completion status and arrange to take an examination based on the material covered.
  3. Display the ID card.
Intern Policy
If you fail to meet the following conditions, you will be disqualified from the internship.
  1. It is mandatory to be a regular and dedicated course student.
  2. Absence must be reported to the authorities.
  3. Team tasks need to be submitted on time
  4. Take responsibility for following up on inquiries and solving customer issues.
  5. Submit the daily work report to the office.
  6. You cannot directly generate personal business related to our business with our clients without written consent from Rayhan's ICT Limited during your employment with Rayhan's ICT Limited.
  7. All the contents developed within the scope of this employment will be Rayhan's ICT Limited Intellectual Properties.
  8. If at any time during the term of your employment, you are guilty of serious misconduct then we may terminate your employment immediately without providing any notice period or payment instead of notice.
  9. You will work as a Part-Time employee of Rayhan's ICT Limited.
  10. Rayhan's ICT reserves the right to assign/transfer you to other relevant departments based on your credentials and performance.
  11. All of your activities will be guided by the existing (and updated as and when) Rules and Regulations of the organisation.